Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rain Means Rebirth

Raining is the Beginning of Life
Well a little more packing to do, clean up the condo and then it's adios South Beach and on to my first freeloading stop. Of course nothing could be more perfect than to wake up the rain. So that wonderful scenic drive I intended to have down the Florida Keys will now include the eternal sound of squeaky wiper blades. However, again I prefer to frame this in its truely positive perspective, as I wade my way to Einstein Bros. bagels for a thin bagel and egg sandwich. I will look at this sudden cooling rain as nature intended. I don't know how many non magicians out there realize it, but rain means rebirth. Not only does it make our gardens grow, it is something which story tellers and movie makers know and often use to make a character change directions or find an epiphany or new start. I'm trying to think of a good example, but my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. OK, in An Officer and a Gentleman, Gere's character is being drilled "in the pouring rain" when he's finally broken down and almost crying says "cause I got nothing else...cause I got nothing else." It is at this point that he, standing in the pouring rain, becomes a true officer. Next time you are watching a movie and you see a rainstorm remember it means rebirth, and you'll see what I'm talking about.If you can think of other examples, please share them in a comment. So today is my rebirth, my time to discover myself. I've said that in each of us is hidden the ultimate magician. Mine has been hiding for a while, but with help like this from the universe, I know I'll find him.

OK I had a moment left on my computer this morning before I packed it and I came up with another of my favorite examples: The Shawshank Redemption

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Battery's Charged - A Metaphor For My Life?

Ok I'm working my ass off packing. pfffft.. yeah right, I'm having a vodka drink. But I have had a "heluva" day.. I love that word "helava" don't you. OK, I will be on my journey tomorrow come "helorhi" water. See how I worked that in there.. clever huh?

But I did want you to know that I'm already over budget, thanks to my dead battery. First I tried to get a friend of mine to help me jump the jeep, but he unfortunately was out of town. (yeah right) So after debating what to do I flagged a guy about to park in the garage down, and asked if he'd help me jump my car.

I'm so glad at this moment that this wasn't New York. In New York he would have said something like, "Do I look like triple A?" Of course I would have replied, "No you look like you're either a member of AA, or you're no doubt single aye?" And of course this would have lead to a scuffle in which we'd end up long life drinking buddies. Because that's just the way I am.

I digress. So in my Miami Beach garage the guy says simply, "Do you have cables?"

So yes he gave me a jump.. ladies, I don't need to hear the obvious jokes at this point, even though this is Miami Beach. So I get the car started and drive to the nearest auto parts store. After a battery check, it is determined that my battery needs a funeral. So $140 later and a little sweat, and I'm back on track. Now I need to get this puppy filled.. oh wait I'm talking about the jeep, not my vodka drink.

And So it Begins...

Ever notice that when you are about to do something great, all of the sudden life puts obstacles in front of you. Not that this trip is going to be something great, but I really have to laugh. I'm trying to get my stuff organized, and packed this morning, so that I can leave tomorrow. Well I need a wrench so that I can take my magic table apart. I haul one load out to the jeep, jump in and give the key a turn.. well here is the result.

Packing Day

One of Life's True Wonders - Roller Blades
So much to do before I go on my journey. I'm going to miss South Beach. It truly has been magical. (see photo at left) But I digress.

I wish I were truly magic as I'd just snap my fingers and everything would be packed and loaded in my Jeep. But no, I have to slog it all down the hall and along the half mile journey to the garage where it is parked. Living in a condo in Miami Beach does have it's disadvantages, but then I have to remind myself, I live in a condo in Miami Beach. Well, so far some of the schedule is already presenting it's problems. Along with the minor hassles that come with things like this, my video on my camera that I planned to use doesn't seem to be working. And one of my stays has already canceled on me.

But not to worry, I can always use my Iphone or Ipad. But for certain, we're going to need some video along the way. What if I pick up two hot women hitch hiking in short shorts? I know you guys will want to see that right. .. yeah in my dreams. But really what about the magic? Don't worry I'm sure we'll find it as soon as we start looking. But for today I'm going to share something that I think is just weird. Take a look at this video, and those of you who are old enough, shake your heads in disbelief. You've got to wonder about life when you see this. Think of how really crazy life is. Does it really have any meaning at all? Or is it just some random occurrences which have no pattern, no meaning and certainly no justification for being?

Makes me go hmmmmmm? 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Journey search of life's magic.


Boxing the US in 6 weeks.
There is magic all around us, people who do amazing things every day. Magicians in all walks of life; they can be standing in line next to you at a grocery store, sitting next to you on in a bar, crossing the street in front of your car, and you wouldn't know it, unless of course you are one of them. It's almost like a true life Harry Potter story where magician's live in one world and muggles (like most people) live in another, completely different reality.

They have their own set of standards and a code of secrecy which binds them beyond their powers. They dedicate themselves to knowledge of their craft with an obsessive passion.They often gather in large groups and small, to test their skills and learn from the most powerful.

Magicians are given a rare opportunity to peek behind the curtain and see the workings of the wizard in this marvelous world. Though their magic is universal, they have their own unique language, they talk of patters, palms, and prestos. To another magician they are easily spotted amongst the crowd, yet to you they are undefinable, invisible; becoming visible only when they wish to be seen. And they are an exclusive secret club to which the only required membership is a completely different way of thinking about life.

Over the couple months ahead, I'm going to travel the US and Canada, in search of those wondrous wizards. These amazing people who have figured out the true secret and meaning of this magic life. We are going to explore the lives of all magic life magicians, not simply those skilled in the art of conjuring, but those excelling in the art of life. If you are one of us, true magician brothers and sisters, and you know the true secrets of which I'm speaking, I want to meet you, talk with you about your life, your magic life, and let my viewers glance behind our curtain.