Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Orleans: The Trickster Appears

New Orleans, a city that is a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, calls to me like an old, silver-haired, black gentleman, strumming a worn out guitar with his time calloused fingers. He's singing a blues from his wicker rocker on his front porch, filling the humid air with his raspy voice between puffs on his long-ashed cigarette. The Big Easy, is that music, moving slowly to the rhythms of that unique sound of blues and jazz. Blues are the heart and souls, and jazz is the music which always remains true to it's source, playing notes and riffs around the true unchanged melody. Through a hundred years NOLA often seems frozen in time.  But change is the one true constant in life and even a world tied to tradition such as New Orleans will succumb to it's power.

Jack Lyles "Where's my stuff?"
For me, I've been fortunate enough to have included in my magic life, some magical friends, and through their generosity and love I've included much time in New Orleans in my life's journey. My time spent here will no doubt be some of the most magical and wondrous times of my life.

Living in Houston, years ago I had the privilege to meet the Lyles family, Jack and Pam and their son and daughter, Jeffery and Taylor. When they moved to New Orleans, they took my friendship with them and over the years, I've spent many, nights and days, reveling with them at their home endearingly referred to as "Hotel Lyles." I've learned the wonders of Mardi Gras, walked amongst the topless women on Bourbon Street, marveled at the street magic in the French Quarter, and seen the ravages of hurricane Katrina.

Change is not a welcomed adversary, but like the mythical "trickster" change appears to wreak havoc upon his stealthful visit. But hopefully when he departs, a life lesson has been learned. And as change is the only true constant in life, we must learn to embrace each new chapter, cherishing the memories of that which lay behind us as magical illusions fading in our mind as the years go by. The Lyles offered me a place to stay in New Orleans one last time. And I feel a true privilege being the last real guest of Hotel Lyles. Pam and Jack are embracing a new chapter in their lives too and doing it with gusto. Looking forward to the adventures that await them.
NOLA - A Mystical City Wrapped in Magical Traditions

I'll miss the Hotel Lyles with all it's amazing memories and traditions, but our friendships will be that true melody which only the riffs and notes encircle to make that beautiful magical life sound. I know that all my New Orleans friends and those who have had this wonderful, magical encounter with this amazing family, will miss our times at "Hotel Lyles" but we will always cherish those memories which "the trickster" cannot ever take from us.

But there is more magic in New Orleans to come...

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting photo of the Trickster for an oil portrait:
